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Stand Firm to Move Forward

Updated: Nov 19, 2024


This weeks double parsha Nitzavim Vayelech offers something very interesting for us to reflect and soul search on. Nitzavim means standing firm, while Vayelech means to move and be mobile, which originally might seem somewhat contradictory. But everything in the Torah has a much deeper meaning that we could comprehend and everything in on purpose - so not only do we read these two Parsha’s together, but they are placed in this order for a reason.

The message of this weeks Parsha is that only by standing firmly (Nitzavim) in who we are as our true, holy, Jewish souls, can we, in fact, move forward and upward in life (which is the second part - Vayelech). That’s why this month is all about Teshuvah - which really means returning, we have to return to our source, our spark of Gd inside of us before we can move forward and upwards.

Here’s a story of how someone stood firm in their beliefs as a holy Jew, followed the path of Torah and was rewarded. 

The Jew that stumped Tech Billionaires

Kawey Bernhard, a Torah observant Jew from South Africa was asked to give the opening speech at conference to high profile CEO’s like Bill Gates.  When he found out  the date he was asked to speak was on the holy Shabbat, he turned it down saying that he is a Jew who observes the Torah and the Mitzvot, and never works on Shabbat.

The director of Microsoft offered to double and even triple his fees for the opening lecture, but Kawey stood firm. Attempting to persuade him, John did not give up. He ended up offering astronomical sums. But Kawey could not be bought. He refused to work on Shabbat, regardless of the consequences. Having no other choice, the management delayed the opening of the convention to Sunday, so Kawey could deliver his speech and he was payed much more than the original offer. Greater than that he earned respect from extremely high up CEO’s all over the world including Bill Gates and made national television.

Mr. Gates replied, "Now I understand there are things that money can't buy. I can purchase any plane, yacht or building, but I cannot and will never be able to buy the Shabbat of a Jew.”

My Own Story of Standing Firm to Move Forward:

I started following my intuition, starting loving myself, trusting myself and just decided to spend more time with myself over one year - I meditated, I prayed, I journaled and when little whispers from the universe came, I’d follow them with trust and faith and curiosity. Knowing very little about Shabbat, I committed to a digital detox on Friday nights and alone time at home to disconnect from the week. I was craving a home cooked meal one day during Covid when restaurant were shut down and it led me to see if there was a Chabad in my area in LA. There was one 4 blocks away. I walked in and was welcomed like I was family. I got curious why that situation had happened and started to look more into Chasidus and how it was so similar to all of the other spiritual teachings I was learning. I dug deeper. I kept listening to the universe and the whispers/what I thought was my intuition but was really that spark inside of me and it urged me to do more. Bake challah, light candles, eat kosher, extend your digital detox to 25 hours. I felt more and more connected to myself and these whispers got stronger. I started to see Gd everywhere I went. Signs all around me. I was being guided and supported by a massive force of all lovingness and felt I was always in the right place and the right time. I learned that it takes 40 days to build a vessel. 40 days to break or build a habit. 40 days from the start of Elul to Yom Kippur (a new spiritual you can be born).

Nothing could deter me from this new path. Roomate issues led me to find a new apartment in an area that was easier to keep Shabbat and Kosher- what a blessing. My mothers worries about my drastic changes in lifestyle and urges for me to come home - just a test to stand even more firm in this path.

On Passover I took on keeping shabbat and kosher fully with all the laws, and met my soul mate 40 days later.

I created a new spiritual version of myself, stood firm in that I wanted to be observant, passed many tests, and in just 40 days was granted my soul mate. Hashem has no timeline, he is not effected by time or space. We are. He wants to give you everything now. We decide how quickly or slowly our blessings will be given to us. All we have to do Is take the action, build the physical vessel to hold the blessing. That is what times time.

There are no coincidences, it’s no coincidence we read this right before Rosh Hashanah as we are all asking for a year that takes us higher.

We’re being asked to level up, heed the call and pass our tests and if we want a year of more blessings. We ask, we earn, we receive. We have to pass the tests to receive the blessings.

Standing firmly in who you were created to be so that you may you be blessed to have an upward trajectory of love, health, wealth, happiness and anything else you desire this upcoming year! 

I want to bless us to all have the courage to be proud and stand firm in who we are, and that all the light, combined prayers and transformation we make in these next few weeks is so powerful and so positive that we pull redemption into the world now! 

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